The Climate Argument Against Gas for Europe is Counterproductive Nonsense
There have been many articles about how the plans to provide US natural gas to Europe will undermine progress on climate. This is a false conflict between climate progress and support to Ukraine.
First of all there is a timeframe difference. What matters for Ukraine is a show of Western resolve now. Even a year from now the situation in Ukraine will hopefully be different. It’s going to take at least that long for much to happen with natural gas terminals here or elsewhere. There is no reason to undermine the support for Ukraine now.
Second the argument that anything we build will be used for years afterwards — however frequently it is made — is wrong. Terminals will be used for as long as there is demand for their capacity. If Europe, for whatever reason, weans itself off natural gas, then those terminals will not be used even if we want them to be.
Third the gas to be provided by the agreement is both insufficient and expensive. We would only be providing one third of the current demand and the pricing is expected to be twice what is currently paid. The agreement in fact provides a very strong incentive for the Europeans to get themselves off natural gas.
People who fight this agreement on climate grounds are doing no cause a favor.